Long time no post

Hello, howdy and salutations.

I've not blogged in a very long time.  I wanted to get back into the habit.  I have grown tremendously in the past few years.  My daughter is now 3.  The last post I had was her birth.  Now she is one of the smartest kids I know.  She asks questions that most adults are afraid to ask, which makes me both afraid and proud of her.

I've also gone through a great journey at Nextopia Software Corporation.  I've been through the creation of biggest platforms in the company's history (we called it the Watson Engine).  I have worked tremendously from old day of Monolith physical boxes to virtual boxes, to containers and even serverless.

I have been part of building out the team at Nextopia over the 4 year journey and have met some amazing devs whom I have been proud to work with.

Like every family though sometimes the careers of people lead them down different path.  This is what ultimately happened at Nextopia as well.  Senior development team moved onto other positions in other companies, in the ever growing Tech hub of Toronto.  I have also moved onto MaRS Discovery District as part of the IT development team.

I loved my 4 years at Nextopia, we have been through a lot of growing pains together.  However, now we must all grow in different directions.  Never under estimate the value of one's past when moving toward one's future.

Where am I going next? I am definitely going to stay within Tech for sure.  However, the sky is the limit as to which other directions we can head to.

Keep it tuned and we will see.


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