Birth of a new member of the family

Over the last year my blog has lacked the love I wanted to give it. I became too busy with various parts of my life and family, and less I wrote. None of my series are any good anymore. I've not done much experimentation as I used to. I have fallen behind what I wanted to achieve with this website. I have switched jobs to join this exciting company Nextopia Software Corporations. It is a company that is at the forefront of helping e-commerce clients achieve greater and greater success.

I loved working at Keek Inc. It has been a wonderful experience working at Keek, but reality of the matter is, Keek wasn't profitable. As much as I enjoyed my time there, I had a family to take care of. So with a heavy heart, I had to say goodbye to some of the best people I have ever worked with. Thanks a lot to the Keek team for welcoming me into your world, and teaching me some amazing things.

I also went for a visit to my wife's home in Bangladesh. Despite all the bad news coverage lately, it is a country of great people and beautiful farmlands (outside of the main city off course). My son quite enjoyed a visit to his grandparent's house. The house my wife grew up in.

Just before I went for the visit though, I got a surprise news that I have another child on the way. On July 2016, my daughter was born. Eliana Armin Hasan was a wonderful healthy baby girl.

I made myself quite busy with family in the past year, along with job switch, and other life I have neglected this blog and a few other things in my life. For those of my readers of this blog, thanks very much for keeping in touch here. I will be slowly rebuilding my site and blog out in the coming months in order to be a better reflection of who I am right now, rather than who I was. When I began this blog, I was in many ways a different person with different priorities. It no longer reflects my current personality and priorities. So The direction I will be going will reflect that eventuality.


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